Jit Sin from Penang, they was playing solo on the stage....

Aik Hong, playing harmonica concerto in solo category... well playing.....

Jit Sin school, playing duet during the 1st round....

Jit Sin school were playing trio in the 1st round......

The others 2 Jit Sin team, also playing in Trio 1st round.....

Yu Hua school, were taking Trio category as well....
The others Yu Hua team, the one who stand in the middle is Soon Hock Chuan. He just show up in NTV7 show and get help from NTV7 to get the sponser ship to Taiwan....
Seem like only Jit Sin school have sent me some of the photo, the others penang school didn't sent to my email. the event is not just Jit Sin and Yu Hua school take part. There actually got a fews more school took part in this competitions and there is one trio team from Singapore took part in this competitions as well.......
I am not sure which team is this..... but as can see it in the photo, there are a lot of girl playing harmonica as well. Compare with last time.....
Fews Yu Hua team taking part in Quatet ensemble category.... all of them are playing very well.... Wish they can continue to keep their hard work and improve themself more before they go to Taiwan.....
All the audience are so concentrate on the stage while all the contestent were playing on the stage..... On the final round that day, from morning 9am to 7pm I just sat on the chair with all the judge to give them mark.... I think that is the only day I have listen to harmonica music for so many hours..... hahahaha.......
Before the organizer annouced the result, 3 of us were playing on the stage and everybody is so happy and enjoy until come up on the stage dancing with us....
Soon Hock Chuan, won gold prizes in the Blues Harp Diatonic category.....
Yu Hua school were won gold metal in the Quatet open catogory.....
All the Yu Hua school player were so excited when the organizer announced the got champion.... The others Penang school also have won several champion... congratualations to all of them....
Some of the Yu Hua student were crying on the spot when they know that they won in the competitions.....
Jit Sin and Yu Hua school band were taking photo together.......
This Trio team is from Singapore..... 3 of them driving all the way long from Singapore to KL....
All the players and supporter from Singapore....
All the judge taking photo on the stage.... Except Mr Chong Ah Kow, left number 5, 10 of us were doing judge on this 6th Malaysia-Singapore Harmonica Competition...
We were taking photo with all the worker and volunteer. Without theyor helping this event is not going to be runing smoothly...... Thanks to the organizer and all the student and people who coming to this festival.... we hope that next year will have more harmonica event and lets public can have chances to know more about harmonica.......
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