This is the city in Atsugi, the street very clean, but the weather is very hot.......
There is a place to let you put your bicycle.

The event is held in this building........

This is the entrances part of the building, and you can see there's a lot of different harmonica, video tape, CD, music score you can find it there......

This harmonica toy very cute, after you have on it, it will play a harmonica tune and his body will keep swinging left and right...... hahahaha.....

Hong Kong people also prepare their brochures and to start promote the 5th Asia Pacific Harmonica event. Because in 2004 Hong Kong is organizing the Asia Pacific harmonica event......

Three of them is from Irael, their playing are very good and all of them are full time in playing harmonica. As they told us, there are only 6 people playing harmonica in their country, that is their family.hehehe.......
This is a short video that taking during the opening ceremory... all of the audience is so enjoy...

While we go back to our hotel, we saw there is a Mc Donald nearby our hotel...
Hi Owen,
I got to read your blog is all because of your collegue Cheu Yin.
Frankly speaking, your blog nearly got my tears drops when this partial of your life experience. You are really talented and brilliant. You bring down the wall of strangers and earn the respect from others wherever you go. I am really happy to know there is such person on earth because our earth is getting violent especially KL. But you are the person who calm us down and communicate using the universal way. I believe your future is infinite.. Good Luck..
Hi, Thanks for your comments, and I have open the comments setting to everybody come in to wirte..... of course in 2002 I am look younger than now..... hahaha... I am looking forward to see on this coming August harmonica festival in Taiwan...... take care lee....
Thanks for visiting my blog, and chue ying told me that you also love music very much..... I will add on one more section for everybody come in, that is Forum.....
Then everybody can come in to discuss about harmonica, music , life and so on.......
Atually my talent is a gift from god.... So I just do what ever things that i can do and I hope in the future.... more and more people can play not just harmonica but any instrument or anyhting... to make this world become full of music colors......
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