Before I post my Japan trip in 2002, I would like to introduce a harmonica lengend in Brazil. His name is Eduardo Nadruz. His greatest achievement was the recording of Nicolo Paganini’s "Moto Perpetuo", originally composed for the violin.It took him eleven years of practice to acquire the skill required to play 2400 notes in at most four minutes without any pause whatsoever. In June 1956, he succeeded in playing this piece in three minutes and 21 seconds, becoming the first in history to play it on a wind instrument, and leaving no doubt that the harmonica is a complete musical instrument worthy of respect.
You can check out his website here this is the Moto Perpetuo that Mr. Eduardo Nadruz recorded. Have a listen to it, then you will know how amazing harmonica also can achieve this level.
Moto perpétuo - N. Paganini - Edu da gaita
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