I feel very boring in the aeroplane, although they provide you TV show,Music, and games... When I reach London airport, I really no idea how many hours and what is the time now... I think is around 4 o'clock something in London airport, and the bad news is, got a lot of aeroplane also landed on the same time. Wah... suddenly the airport get crowded by all people around the world.... and the que to enter custom is damn damn damn damn long.... I think is more than 2 hours then only get our turn... is so so so tired.....
One things I'm proud of Malaysia is, our KLIA is very grand, big and beautiful, compare with London airport. because I saw the screen that show departure and arrival time is stil analog type, not digital, and the airport is very small.
After we pass throught the custom, then we all going to look for our luggages.Another bad news is, my pianist luggage get lost.sigh.. we have spend more than an hour to find it, but we fail... Finally we make a report in the airport lost and found department. Do you know what's the time we come out from the airport??? 8 O'clock...so hungry and tired....
We have brought the bus ticket to Bournemouth, and we have brought 2 way ticket, because we all not sure where to buy bus ticket at Bournemouth.The next bus is 8.30pm arrived and from London airport to Bournemouth it needs 2 hours travel... Wow..... when we reach Bournemouth already 11pm... This is the 1st day we reach England...
The second day when we wake up, we have our great breakfast that provide by the hotel.After that, we go out to look around. The weather is very very nice... because it is Autum season, the temperature is around 16 to 20 degree.The air is very fresh and the enviroment is very clean.The first things I saw is almost all the house have planted flower, and their flower is so so so beautiful until you can not believe that is real flower.Because the colors of the flower is very sharp.

You can see it, the flower colors is very sharp and beautiful....

They have a garden, and the garden is full of beautiful flower....
He is my jazz pianist, Mr. James Boyle.. very happy and kindest person.
This is the city of Bournemouth town,feel so good and comfortable. But after 5 o'clock, all the shop will close and the city will suddenly become very silent.
This is a building in Bournemouth, it's look so classic....
I don't know what is this building for, but it's really tall and look old.I think mostly nearly hundred years has been built or even more than that.
Guess what is this house for??? It is a public toilet.
We walk around and my pianist brought a lot of shirt, because his luggage lost already, and he don't have much shirt to wear. Luckly, after 3 or 4 days, someone has took his luggage return it to airport and sent back to our hotel.
The other side of the city is beach, very beautiful sandy beach, I am loving it so much. Especially in night time, the moon is hanging in the sky and the water reflected by the moon, it's look like a shining road on the sea floated by star.Em...... is so so beautiful and romantic.......
There is a small wharf on the beach...
Hahaha.... is so beautiful and nice.... strong wind blow from the sea, white sandy beach, beautiful and clean water.... you also can see swallow flying in the sky.......
Beside the beach, there is a Oceanarium, I can not remember it is no fish in the oceanarium, because I just took 1 photo only.
Is so nice to see this.... actually I wan to have a ride on it, but nobody dare to do so..... sigh.... feel regret that I didn't go for it...
So I just took a picture only.........
He is the harmonica legend Mr. Larry Adler. I am so happy that I can met him at this event.... although he already 86 years old, but he played very well at the concert night... Amazing.... but unfortunetely he pass away at the age of 87.
I can not remember the 1st left hand side and the 4th person from left. I just can remember the 3rd person from the left is Mr. Douglas Tate. He develop a new Chromatic harmonica call Renaissance. Unfortunetely he pass away on 16th November 2005.
3 of them is from Poland, the girls who stand in the middle play blues harp very well, her name is Beatta Kossowska. The others two guys stand beside her is her band member, play drum and bass.
He is the President of IHO organization(International Harmonica Organization), Mr. John Walton. But he pass away already......
On the right hand side, is Mr. Alexandre Thollon. Our first met in England, and our second met in Japan. That's so unforgetable when we play on the opening dinner ceremory.... everybody was dancing on the floor while our music is keep going on the stage....
I am doing solo on the stage, that was the final round. I took part in 2 categorys,there are solo open category and trio open category. I am so lucky, both category also goes to the final round.All the champion from each category was playing on the stage to get the "Harmonica Player Of The New Millennium" means Overall Champion.
3 of us playing on the stage at the final round too... Our group name is "Non-Pareil"
I received my solo champion from Mr. John Walton.
Finally, I can't believe that I am the Overall winner, when John Walton announced my name on the stage, I really can't believe on the moment. Because I just think of get experience in this international festival. I am so happy to received this Overall Winner for the "Harmonica Player Of The New Millennium"..... This prized is so important and meaningful to me....
So happy on the stage and thank you to them,I gave them a big hug, and John Walton very tall... hahaha......
This is the official website from IHO, you can see all the winner photos and result publish on this website.
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