I feel very pressure on this category, because I am the leader of the team.... and when we decided to took part, we just have around 2 month to prepare for this competition.... Because 4 of us after secondary school level, we seldom met together. Because Ming Chek (Black Pearl) was study form 6 in Yu Hua school, Choon Siang was study graphic design in Tar college, Keng Hong was study computer science and me was study music in Sedaya college..... Almost 2 years we didn't practice together afther the Korea and England trip.... When we decided to took part... i feel very pressure on it, because all of them didn't play harmonica for so long and I need to think of a formula to train them and push their level up.....
Finally they listen to my advised and we all collabrate very well during the training program. I have write out a training program for all of us. that is... every morning at 6am, we will wake up and go to jogging. Can not absent during the training program. After jogging, we play basketball and we seprate into 2 team. The team that lost will have punishment, and the punishment is either doing bumping or sit up. 100 times for each game.......
After the excersise part, then will go to have our breakfast and then practice at my house. Each day we have 2 practice session. Morning and night, sometimes if one of the member can not make it at night, will change to evening. The last training program is..... going to studio make a recording..... let all the member have experience on stage performance as well as studio experience. Beside that, it is very easy to hear who is playing not right and need to improve again....
Thank you very much for all of the collabration, without their collabration and
sacrificed we can not win in this competition.... a last we won Gold Metal in this category..... so happy when I know the result......

This is the photo that ta during we take part in the competition. Too bad is.... we fail to capture video.... hahaha.....

My friends was took part in Blues Harp category, He also won Gold Metal.......

He is my Blues harp teacher, we met each other in Korea and he teach me how to play blues harp in cross harp position.....

He is Yasuo Watani, very well playing on chromatic harmonica.......
Hahaha..... Taiwan friends, this coming August will meet all of them in Taiwan....
He is Mr Claude Garden, he can manage to play classical and jazz music in chromatic harmonica.Normally,very seldom people can mange to play both style. Because the accent for classical and jazz music is totally different world. Classical music the accent is on the 1st and 3rd beat. But jazz music is on the 2nd and 4th beat, and jazz music is emphasis on improvisation.Improvisation mean when the song is finish, and it will go back to the top again but not playing the melody anymore and playing on the spot with a new passage and it will continue to the end of the song and then the pianist or bassist will take turn to improvise again from the top. He can manage to master both style...... so amazing... but unfortunetely... he pass away on 9 of December in 2004. He inspired my playing a lot although I didn't have any private lesson with him.I met him in Malaysia 2003.
This small little children is so cute, although they are young but they laying very well and very tight. Sounds very professional....
Of course, The Adler trio from Israel, the world class top player in trio group.....
1 comment:
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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