We have plan our wedding for 1 year, from last year October until this year 13th September..... We so enjoy and happy to plan this wedding together. From starting how I propose to here, choosing bridal house, choosing wedding date, taking photo, choosing restaurant and so on......
Althought is very tired but after all, is so memorable.... I wish to share our memorable time for all of you and all of you are welcome to here http://www.darizi.com/hk/blog/owenceleste/ to have a look at our wedding photo..... will update more n more later..... Which all of you love it.....
I have to thanks to my wife, because no matter when and where, she will stand behind me and give me support. This wedding dinner is so successfull also because of my mother n my sister, they are so helpfull..... I also want to thanks to my mother in law n father in law, they love us so much and I am so glad that I am the one who married their daughther......Beside that, I also want to thanks all my relatives, because they are so supportive....... and lastly, I want to thanks all my friends, who help me in the dinner night. Especially my brother team...hahahaha..... althought they being teasing by the sister team, they stil fight until then end.... hahahaha.... Thanks so much......
Hi man,
It's unbelievable that you got married!
So happy for you.
Hope to seeing you soon!
Thank you very much....
I hope to see you soon.... :-)
Haha...Very congratulation for you too ^.^
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