I am thinking of going to register and join the harmonica club,but finally I didn't do so.One of my friend he wanted to join and asked me join together so that can play and learn together. I refuse to do so, because I am not so interested on it although the harmonica band was really good, but my friend never give up, and keep on approached me. I still stand on my own, I refuse to join it.
Saturday morning, I met my friend in school. When he saw me, he still never give up and asked me the same question again. "The harmonica club going to start lesson later, why not we both register and join them?". I said " I have no interest on harmonica, some more I don't have harmonica, how we are going to join and learn?".Surprisingly he said"Don't worry about the harmonica, I know where can buy it and it is not far away from our school, let's go now I can show you which type of harmonica we should buy." Finally, he won and I have no reason to refuse again so I follow him to buy harmonica.
Just 2 to 3 km away from our school, there is a stationary shop, and they have sell 2 types of harmonica. Chromatic and tremolo.I don't know which type should buy and my friend have make a decision for me."This is the one we should get it". Ok then, just get it.
This is the 1st harmonica I brought when I start my harmonica journey.....